Aura cleansing is necessary to clear stuck and unhealthy energies to attract prosperity.

Aura cleansing can be performed with many different natural items found in your kitchen, here are some basic ones you can always use to clear your energy system.


Baking soda

Baking soda is a common household item that packs a powerful punch of spiritual cleansing. A natural alkalizer and detoxifier baking soda is great at pulling out blockages from the aura. Returning your energetic vibration to something more neutral. Leaving you with a sense of peace, and equilibrium. This is especially helpful when dealing with exhausting people, or situations. I find it combats feelings of anxiety and depression very well.


Simply run a bath of warm water that feels relaxing to the touch. Add a cup of baking soda to water. As the water runs the baking soda will begin to dissolve neutralizing the water’s acidity, not only leaving you feeling energetically level, but also leaving your skin feeling silky smooth.

I like to say a prayer or affirmation while bathing in a spiritual cleansing bath. This can be a simple statement that comes straight from the heart. Something like:

“As I relax into this healing bath all negative blockages and energies dissolve. I am wrapped in the light of the divine Universe.”



Apple Cider Vinegar is another great remedy for energetic blocks and releasing psychic toxins. Soaking in Apple cider vinegar is beneficial for easing skin issues, detoxify and restoring its natural pH balance. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals which can be absorbed through the skin. The onset of a cold can often mean energetic disturbances in the aura…taking an apple cider vinegar bath will help the cold run its course, and move the energetic debris out of your system. Again, you will run a warm bath that is relaxing to the touch. Adding 1-2 cups of Apple cider vinegar to the bath water. Slip into the tub, easing your mind and relaxing. Allow yourself to become completely embraced by the experience. You can visualize the energetic toxins, and debris being drawn from your body/aura, into the bath to be neutralized. Be sure to allow your head to be submerged for a few moments.The base of the head/back of the neck is one of the major places we take on stray energy. You can also use the above affirmation, or an appropriate prayer during this bath. If the smell of Apple cider vinegar is offensive to your nose then add a 5-10 drops of peppermint oil to the bath. Peppermint is also a detoxifier, and it uplifts the senses… Easing the mind and emotions.



Sea Salt is a traditional bath for spiritual cleansing. Salt also has a detoxifying quality that will draw out impurities in the energy bodies. You can substitute sea salt for Epsom salt which is high in magnesium, easing aches, pains and the muscles. Run a warm bath adding in a handful of sea salt. As you soak begin to imagine the tube filling with pure white light. This is the healing light of the Universe. Imagine any dark, and negative vibrations lingering in the aura being absorbed by this light. Envision these blocks being replaced with nothing but positive intentions. Salt can dry out the skin so you may want to dress yourself with a rich oil after your bath. You can dress yourself with a mixture of olive oil, and lemongrass essential oil to nourish the skin, and charge the aura with a magnetic quality.Lemongrass oil is an old botanical used for attracting prosperity and good fortune.




Adding all 3 ingredients together will create a wonderful spiritual cleansing bath!! Or combine them as you like. Remember to use an affirmation, prayer or visualization.

After bathing spend time in meditation, prayer, or just relax for the evening. I like to make a warm cup of chamomile and valerian tea to calm my nerves and promote sleep. Turn in early for the night, allowing the healing process to continue into sleep. If you are feeling especially heavy and blocked use a spiritual cleansing bath for 7 consecutive days.

Using thoughts and words to cast spells and create wealth and dysfunction





Thoughts are powerful

Thoughts and words cast spells and create wealth and problems.

We are creating dysfunction, prosperity and casting spells with our thoughts and words whether we realise it or not.

Our thoughts whether positive or negative are creating outcomes. These outcomes affect us positively and negatively.

When we think harmful thoughts and projects towards others, we are casting spells and intending that our target experience a negative result. This is how we create dysfunction individually and collectively in the world. We can never experience a world of harmony so long as we continue to intentionally cast spells with our thoughts and words.

Don’t forget that whatever thoughts we ruminates with and cast out to affect others, we are sending a signal to the universe as to what we desire, and the same thing we attract to ourselves, the reason those who habour negative thoughts and feelings don’t progress naturally, for them to succeed in life, they must cut corners, manipulate and involve in terrible obscured ventures.

Feel prosperous and create more wealth than dysfunction

Start feeling Prosperous to Increase your Prosperity through mental creation.

There are times when you may be feeling low. Your income is down and you have a hard time seeing your dreams come true. There is a way to convince yourself that you are prosperous and successful. Sing the song “I am super prosperous, I am super rich and I am super successful.” This is the song of success. Craft it in any way that you like it to be. Sing “I am rich beyond my wildest dreams. I am, I am, I am!” The “I am” is an affirmation. You are affirming from a place of BEING which is central to everything else in your experience.

The result of it is that you may experience prosperity and success that is much more than what you ever had in previous times. Constantly express the attitude of being rich, abundant and successful in order to continue creating the reality of prosperity and success. Give thanks for the prosperity that you have been receiving as well in order to perpetuate the feeling of prosperity. Giving thanks acknowledges the reality of having and therefore to him that hath, much more shall be given to him says Christ.

When you are trying to bring yourself to a new place of vibration, there are forces that try to pull you back from time to time. Those are your current place of vibration. When you are trying to feel more rich, there are times when you are being pulled to feel less rich than the more rich feeling you intend to vibrate at. The key is to keep holding yourself to the new vibration until your projected reality becomes your actual reality. All movement across one reality to another is vibrational movement. It is all about alignment, alignment and realignment. Keep getting into the vortex.

Thoughts cast spells and harm as well as bringing abundance of prosperity

The basis of spell casting is built on two principles of truth. The first is that thoughts are energy. The second is that words are powerful. There is a natural law, which on a metaphysical level, like attracts like. By visualizing an object and affirming that you want this item to manifest itself in your life, you are sending a message to the universe and your subconscious as to what you want. The universe will listen, and a corresponding image will soon find its way to you. Magic is creating what you desire in reality.

Desires and wishes, when sent out in thoughts, words, and deeds, we will attract to ourselves. Your thoughts and words have more power than you can imagine. They are, in themselves, a form of magick. We are casting spells all the time, usually without ever realizing it. A magician is one who consciously creates his reality using the tools that are available to channel the power of consciousness from the higher to the lower. Magic blends the invisible realm with the visible. It is to use power in conscious way.

Magic is a natural act, easily accomplished. Each of us has the power to bring about change in our lives, and in the world around us. Our subconscious mind is the source of our personal power over the universe. Spells, incantations or invocations, are merely one way of conveying messages to the subconscious mind. Many spells incorporate symbols, and as we all know, symbolism is a primary language of the subconscious. Direct your subconscious to wield its power in creating anything you like.

We agreed that it’s difficult to hold a positive frequency and vibration but the harmful thoughts we are producing are creating dysfunction at different levels and affecting us. Let’s endeavour to think good thoughts to advance ourselves and create harmony in the world.