Shift your vibration

Deliberately Shifting Your Vibrational Levels add a layer of consciousness to your experience.

When you feel strong emotion, it means you are summoning a great deal of Source Energy toward your desire. When your strong emotions feel like fear, depression or despair, it means you are offering resistance to your desire. When your strong emotions feel good like love, passion or hope, it means you are offering no resistance to your desire. You are in a state of allowing the unfolding of your desire. Desire it, do not resist it, and it is. Allow yourself to feel strong emotions and direct them positively.

The perfect situation is to really, really want something that you truly believe is possible. When the combination of desire and belief is present within you, things will unfold quickly and easily in your experience. But when you want something that you do not believe is possible, it does not unfold easily since you are not allowing it into your current experience. When you have strong desire but with resistance, the thing to work on here is your belief. Direct your mind towards thinking why it is possible and expect it.

If you have been thinking and speaking  where you are all along that, it is not easy to suddenly shift your vibration and begin thinking and feeling something very different. The law of attraction says that you do not have access to thoughts and feelings that are very far from where you are vibrating. But you can access better thoughts that are vibrationally nearer to you, and then from those thoughts access even better thoughts that are vibrationally higher. Vibrational shifting is a deliberate and gradual process

Vibrational match attraction

Everything is Formed by Vibration and Geometry

Vibrations in the quantum hologram create geometric patterns and these patterns create rocks, trees, oceans, mountains, plants, animals and humans. The quantum hologram holds the blueprint of all possibilities that could ever take place past, present or future. We have the power to choose the blueprint, which already exists in the quantum hologram, that we want to activate in our lives.

Bio-Geometry is a science that deals with the effect of geometrical shapes on life functions and the design of shapes that interact with earth’s energy fields, to produce special pre-calculated effects on biological systems. Bio-Geometrical shapes, when designed or engraved on jewelry, have shown positive effects on the body’s energy field, and reduce the potential health hazards caused by cellular phones, computers and other modern appliances.

Vibration and Bio-Geometry

Dr Karim, who founded and developed Bio-Geometry discovered that higher harmonics of three energy qualities that he referred to as GB3 were beneficial to our health including that of plants and animals. He suggested ways to create these energies and studied the beneficial effects of the energies on diseases such as hepatitis C on reversing EMF sensitivity, growing plants without using pesticides, the animals we eat as food with zero antibiotics and lowering leucocytes in cows milk. In many ways the science and metaphysical discipline of Bio-Geometry provides one of the underpinnings to support what many know today as Feng Shui, which literally is a way of neutralising the negative energies we absorb from the environment to reduce their effect on us.

Elaborate geometries are used to alter states of consciousness. Crop circles contain special meaning. The Sacred Geometry within these formation is recognized by the subconscious, since all living creatures consist of geometrically shaped elements. Sacred Geometry is a universal language. The purpose of it is to evolve the consciousness of mankind to a higher level. This way they are literally creating Heaven on Earth. As a result mankind is more consciously prepared to grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We absorb the codes much faster in our subconscious by looking at them than by hearing or reading.

We don’t access things by mistake. We attract things to ourselves based on vibrational match.